The Strange Death of Napoleon
Bonaparte - click to
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A hardcover novel
by Jerry Labriola, M.D.
American historian and international treasure hunter, Paul D�Arneau, fired from his lofty university position, is commissioned by the Parisian Gens de V�rit� to determine if Napoleon was murdered. If so, how and by whom? Excursions to the islands of Elba and St. Helena reveal more than Paul bargained for. What takes him to a French monastery? To Volterraio Castle? How does the Mob know of his every move? Where do arsenic and DNA fit in? Or the mysterious Lady Beckett? Despite deadly skirmishes and long odds for success, what convinces him to press on?
The Strange Death of Napoleon Bonaparte is that rare suspense novel that entertains, enlightens and provokes, with a story line bolstered by slices of authentic history��and by a fair share of forensics, too. Even before reaching its stunning climax, the reader cannot help but wonder about what other things may have been lost or distorted in the sweep of that history.
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