The Books of Jerry Labriola, M.D.
Murder at Hollings General Murders at Brent Institute Maltese Murders Famous Crimes Revisited Dr. Lee's Forensic Files The Budapest Connection The Strange Death of Napoleon Bonaparte Shocking Cases Scent of Danger: A Novel Object of Betrayal Deadly Politics - A Novel Global Shadows - a novel Diamonds and Pirates: A Novel Dangerous Triangle - A Novel The Bliue Baron The Saga of Hodge Spying for Keeps Discovery
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Jerry Labriola, M.D.
Publisher: Strong Books
Copyright:  2018
Price: $35.95
Finished size:
5 � x 8 �
Total Pages: 336

Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2017961715
Available Feb 18 
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A novel
by Jerry Labriola, M.D.

 click to see Cover

Just out. Order now at Amazon and Barnes and Noble
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  ISBN 978-1928782-68-1


Book Description: 

This is the most unusual novel. It amounts to a series of essays - thirty in all. They are the favorite topics for Scott Barlow and his wife, Mary Ellen. They include such headings as Napoleon, Eiffel Tower, London's War Room and Lisbon. It all came about when a Hollywood mogul and script writer talked Scott into writing the essays. The idea of a possible motion picture was waved as bait. So Scott's usual activity of traveling the world to help local authority with local problems was put on hold. In any event, the collect of the thirty eventually qualified as a novel.


Watch for details on this new upcoming novel. Information will be leaked through Twitter.